Royal Club Terms and Conditions

You agree to receive pre-set notifications from us on the Website, referred to as “Location Alerts,” if you have enabled location services on your device while using the Royal Club Casino Services. 

Your Responsibilities

The accuracy of information. You confirm that all information provided at registration and on your Account is truthful, complete, and accurate. You are responsible for immediately updating your Account with any changes to this information.

  1. Restrictions on Website and Service Use. You agree not to use, or authorise others to use, the Website or Services in any of the following ways:
  • Sending or receiving inappropriate content.
  1. Spreading threatening, offensive, obscene, or dangerous content.
  • Sharing material without the required licences or authorisation, encouraging unlawful activity, or violating third-party rights.
  • distributing destructive software or data, such viruses.
  • Attempting to intercept communication.
  • Using the Website or Services for fraudulent activities.
  • Violating standard Internet and network practices.
  • Encouraging hatred or damage against any group or person.
  • Our infrastructure is being overloaded beyond reason.
  • Additional prohibitions. You also promise not to, or allow others to:
  • Sell the Website, Services, or any portion thereof.
  • Provide fake information or fraudulently utilise credit/debit card information.
  • Attempt to get past our security or network.
  • Perform network surveillance without authorisation.
  • Engage in fraudulent or suspicious activity.
  • Extract data from or hack into the website.
  • You may not use the Website or Services in contravention of these Terms and Conditions.
  • Engage in illicit activity linked to the Website or Services.
  • Act in a way that, in our reasonable opinion, prevents other users from using the Website or Services as intended.

Rules About Use of the Services and the Website

  1. Attempts to correct errors. We will make reasonable attempts to correct any errors or omissions as soon as we receive notification. However, we cannot guarantee that the Services or the Website will be free of flaws, errors, problems, omissions, or disruptions. We are not responsible for any such incidents. If you see a mistake, issue, defect, or omission, please notify us at
  2. Changes to the website and services. We have the right to change any aspect of the Website and Services, as long as the changes do not adversely reduce their quality or performance.
  3. Withdrawal, suspension, or discontinuation. We have the right to remove, suspend, or discontinue any operation or feature of the Website or Services at any time.
  4. New features will be introduced, while old ones will be removed. We may add new features to the Website and remove existing ones as we deem fit.
  5. Terms & Conditions have changed. We retain the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any moment. Any changes will become effective after they are posted on the Website. It is your obligation to review the Terms and Conditions anytime you use the Website, and continued usage indicates your acceptance of the most recent Terms and Conditions. 

Suspension and Termination

We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to the Website or Services, or any portion of them, at any time if you break any of these Terms and Conditions or if we have reasonable reasons to think that such a violation happened.

You may discontinue your use of the Website or Services at any time. If you break any of these Terms and Conditions, your rights will instantly terminate. Upon termination, you must stop using the Website and Services. We also have the right to remove or restrict access to any of your content at our discretion.

Disclaimer and Exclusion of Liability

Despite our best efforts, we are unable to guarantee that the content on the Website and through the Services is always accurate, complete, or appropriate. You bear all liability for your use of the Services and the Website.

Any direct or indirect loss or damage, including but not limited to lost profits, data loss, and other monetary or business-related damages, that arises from your use of the website or services is not covered by our liability policy. Furthermore, you use third-party websites linked to our website at your own risk and at your own expense.

These Terms and Conditions do not restrict or exclude our obligation for any other liability that is not permitted by law, including liability for negligence that results in death or personal injury. 

Intellectual Property Rights

Royal Club Casino owns the content on the website, which is shielded by many legal protections including international copyright. The Website and its contents are licensed to you on a limited, non-transferable basis. It is not, however, allowed for you to duplicate, alter, reverse engineer, or sell any portion of it. You promise not to gain access to the website through any unauthorised means.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms & Conditions are controlled and interpreted in line with Indian laws. Any issues arising under these terms and conditions will be decided exclusively by Indian courts.

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